BEC Business Transformation Theatre

Unlocking Value: How SMEs Can Thrive in the Circular Economy 釋放價值:中小企業如何在循環經濟中蓬勃發展

Day 2 : 14:15 – 15:05

In today’s world, sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity for SMEs. Join industry leaders and environmental experts in this engaging seminar as we delve into the concept of circular economy and its transformative potential for small and medium-sized enterprises. Learn firsthand from pioneers in the recycling industry, discover cutting-edge waste reduction technologies, and be inspired by compelling case studies where waste is turned into valuable resources. Don’t miss this essential opportunity to unlock new avenues of growth, enhance value, and reduce waste through innovative and sustainable practices.


Leanings 學習要點

  • Explore the opportunities and challenges that SMEs may face when implementing circular economy practices.
  • Share successful case studies and practical strategies that SMEs can adopt to integrate circular economy principles into their business models.
  • Identify the obstacles that SMEs might encounter when transitioning to a circular economy, such as lack of awareness, financial constraints, and technological limitations. Discuss solutions and support mechanisms that can help SMEs overcome these barriers.
  • Collaboration and partnerships: Emphasize the importance of collaboration between SMEs, government, academia, and other stakeholders to create a supportive ecosystem for circular economy initiatives.

Post-Event Actions 後續行動

  • Create a detailed action plan based on the insights and knowledge gained from the forum.
  • Connect with other participants, speakers, and experts from the forum to explore potential collaboration opportunities.
  • Identify any areas where they may need further assistance or support in implementing circular economy practices.
  • Share the key insights and learnings from the forum with their colleagues, employees, and business networks.
  • Regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of their circular economy initiatives.


Jude Chow 周治平

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Deputy Chairman

Mr Jude Chow is the Founder & CEO of AEL (International Holdings) Limited. In his early years in Australia, Mr Chow had extensive exposure to large-scale construction engineering, airport engineering, and environmental engineering projects. He then took up a regional position in a German technology company and was responsible for projects across 13 countries in the Asia Pacific. After joining AEL, he has led the company to sustainable growth from developing new products and entering into new markets, including Belt and Road countries. He is now working with partners from Europe, local research institutes and universities to build a waste-to-energy solution for the Asian Market. He is also dedicated to contributing to society with active participation in voluntary work and being a mentor for the City University of Hong Kong’s School of Energy and Environment, as well as the promotion of sustainability by representing the industry to liaise with Government and overseas counterparts.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

I hope to raise awareness of the waste problem in Hong Kong and for the Hong Kong’s Industrial SME to adopt ESG.

Lianne Lam 林奇慧

Hong Kong Sustainable Society


Born and raised in Hong Kong, Prof. Lianne Lam holds a DBA Degree at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, focusing in Environmental Education. Her thesis paper was presented in the Public Management Research Conference in the University of Wisconsin in 2013, showcasing 2 different Environmental Education approaches. She also holds an EMBA Degree, a Bachelor of Law Degree from the Peking University, and a Bachelor Degree in Actuarial Science from the University of Toronto.

Dr. Lam began her career in Hong Kong with marketing and public relations roles from the Far East Group of Companies and the Palm Island Resort (China) before setting up her own public relations firm handling integrated marketing. In 2003, she was approached by the Cogitoimage Group, a multi-national company with offices in Taiwan, Singapore, and Dusseldorf, to become a partner . Under her management, the firm expanded its offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and London focusing in the “Space Branding” business.

After graduated from her doctoral degree in 2013, she puts her research into practice and set up the Hong Kong Sustainable Society – a non-profit organization dedicated to engaging positive-thinking to promote sustainable development in Hong Kong. Activity engaged in different community service, Dr. Lam is the principle applicant and leader for the Artemis – a Social Innovation Funded project that focus on social inclusion through the diving buddy system for the handicapped and cancer patients; and an Advisor for the Leadership Institute on Narcotics for the Hong Kong Police Force. She was also the Advisor of the Deaf Game 2019; Members in the Hong Kong Appeal Board, and Advisor of the Ocean Park Charity Foundation Hong Kong.

Academically, Dr. Lam is the Program Chair of the International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Management in 2022-2023 and the Program Chair of the 2023 International Conference of Education Technology and Administration . She also participated in organizing role in school-based events such as the Post-Covid Retail Opportunity Forum in Hong Kong in March 2023; Experiential learning activities such as the servicing learning study tour in Vietnam in May 2023; and the Dongguan Collaboration study trip in June 2023. In 2011-2013, she lead a team of 20 University students, with the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong to conduct a 3 years research project, as the Principal Researcher and Advisor for the “Panda Action” in Foping, China.


Alvin Lee 李潤林

Maxim’s Group 美心集團

Sustainability Manager 可持續發展經理

Alvin is currently Sustainability Manager of Maxim’s Group, one of Asia’s leading food and beverage companies, strategizing sustainability development across 80+ brands towards a more circular operation. Having graduated from HKU’s Department of Ecology and Biodiversity followed by his 10-year stint as a journalist specializing in green culture and ecotourism, Alvin has always been passionate about biodiversity and environmental education. Prior to joining Maxim’s, he was the Senior ESG and Communications Manager of Green Monday Group. He has worked as a cetacean researcher in Hong Kong waters, and a lobbyist for animal welfare organizations.
李潤林先生現為美心集團的可持續發展經理,協助這個於亞洲有多年發展、擁有逾80個品牌的餐飲集團推動可持續發展及循環經濟。李潤林畢業於香港大學生態學及生物多樣性學系,曾於傳媒界工作達10年,專門編撰綠色生活及生態旅遊專題,一直熱衷於生物多樣性及環境教育。加入美心集團前,他曾擔任Green Monday集團的高級ESG及傳訊經理,香港水域的鯨豚研究員,亦曾為動物福利組織擔任政策游說主任等工作。

Sunny Leung 梁浩霆

Eco Enrich Company Limited 日高環保資源管理有限公司

Director of Technology & Operations 技術及營運董事

Mr. Sunny Leung is a professional in the field of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) with over 10 years of experience in the environmental industry. He previously served as an environmental consultant in Fridley, Minnesota, USA, focusing on research into sustainable urban greening. Subsequently, Mr. Leung returned to Hong Kong to work in environmental auditing, where he was responsible for systematic assessments of corporate environmental regulations and standards, and for promoting ongoing development in climate technology and environmental science projects.

Currently, Mr. Leung is the Technical and Operations Director at Eco Enrich Group, dedicated to providing professional services in environmental resource management and environmental engineering. His clients include the Hong Kong government, publicly listed companies, multinational corporations, and non-profit organizations. Through collaboration with a diverse clientele, Mr. Leung understands the rapidly evolving requirements for ESG across different countries and is committed to helping clients achieve their green, low-carbon goals while overcoming challenges in implementing ESG strategies. In the printing industry, for instance, Mr. Leung’s expertise includes designing automated feeding systems, optimizing recycling chains, and implementing smart energy management systems to enhance corporate safety protocols.

Mr. Leung graduated from the University of Minnesota, USA, with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

EECL Sustainability Goal for 2024-2025:


1. Develop and Implement Cost-Effective Green Technologies:
– Goal: Facilitate the adoption of affordable, green technologies and practices that reduce environmental impact without imposing heavy financial burdens on the industries.
– Actions:
– Identify scalable and cost-effective green technologies suitable for each industry.
– Assist in securing funding or incentives available for green technology implementations.
– Provide training and support for the integration of these technologies into existing operations.

2. Optimize Resource Efficiency:
– Goal: Improve resource efficiency in production processes to reduce waste and lower costs, thereby enhancing both economic and environmental performance.
– Actions:
– Conduct comprehensive resource audits to identify waste reduction opportunities.
– Implement lean manufacturing principles tailored to each industry to minimize waste and maximize resource use.
– Promote the use of recycled materials where feasible.

3. Promote Sustainable Job Creation:
– Goal:Support the retention and creation of jobs by transitioning industries towards sustainable practices that require new skills and create new employment opportunities.
– Actions:
– Identify roles that can be enhanced or created through sustainable practices.
– Partner with educational institutions to develop training programs that equip workers with necessary green skills.
– Advocate for policies that support job security in transitioning industries.

4. Foster Innovation and Collaboration:
– Goal: Encourage innovation in sustainable practices through collaborative efforts among industries, academia, and government.
– Actions:
– Establish forums or working groups to facilitate knowledge sharing and innovation in sustainability.
– Encourage partnerships with universities for research and development in green technologies.
– Develop pilot projects to test new sustainable practices that can be scaled up if successful.

Jack Yuen 袁耀達

SGS Hong Kong Limited

Deputy Director of Health & Nutrition and Sustainability Development

Jack has over a decade of cross-disciplinary experience of professional experience across sustainability development, supply chain solutions, quality assurance, digitalization transformation and consulting services for different leading companies.

Jack leads the team and drives new initiatives and products in the Asia region, brings collaboration with business partners, and assists corporate clients in formulating their sustainability and supply solutions along their value chain.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Hong Kong food commercial and industrial generate huge amounts of food waste daily, apart from disposing of the food waste in landfills, a proportion of food waste can be processed and regenerated as different forms of useful sources and contribute to agriculture and fishery. It is hoped to see more incentives and funding available to encourage more parties to develop solutions and expedite the implementation.

2. Transparency and credibility in green initiatives’ product claims are crucial for the sustainable market. It is hoped our mark can help companies build trust in their products and brands to showcase their green initiatives in the market with independent environmental claim certification and verification.

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